My wrist will never be the same again...
A thousand bees eating your arm is what it felt like....

I thought I was going to throw up and pass out........
I never in a million years thought that I would be sitting in a chair getting a tattoo! I have hated tattoos! I have told every single one of my friends I will never get one and that they will regret it in 50 years from now. Welp... I go to Haiti for a week where the Lord puts on my heart the word HOPE. There is a lot involved in the word HOPE. We are ambassadors for the Lord which is one reason why He uses us to GIVE HOPE to a lost and broken world. Jesus truly is my ONLY HOPE. I cling to HIM and HIS promises because in them I find HOPE to live! I want to live everyday GIVING HOPE (Bay Espwa) to those the Lord places in front of me! His HOPE is what sets my feet to dancing and my heart to beating each and everyday!!!
ohh i love it!! you go with me to get mine on my foot when i get home??!