So, last night I had the most vivid dream. I dreamt that I had gone back to Mozambique. In my dream I was a bit older, like early 30's, and was married with children. We as a family traveled to Mozambique to try and adopt Mido. Mido in my dream was 11. I had not seen him since he was 2. We drove up the red dirt road to the compound to find Mido. I get off the trunk and there is a big festival going on. Lots of singing and dancing. I wasn't sure how I was going to find him. I began to shout "Mido! Mido! Mido" I look to the right and this hansom boy is looking straight at me. He runs up to me and in perfect english says, "I have been waiting for you to come back" I looked at him with tears in my eyes and asked if he even remembered me. He responds, "I could never forget you." Now weeping he places his not so little arms around my neck and hugs me tightly and cries with me. My husband and kids come and join us in the sweet embrace. My kids say to him that their mom has never stopped sharing his story to them and others. They ask him if he will be a part of our family and come back to the states with us. He cries and said that is what he had been praying for since I left him many years earlier.
I woke up with such hope. I know God is calling me to adopt one day. It was almost as if through my dream the Lord was confirming that not only do I have this passion, but the man I marry will too. I want more than anything to adopt Mido. That little boy impacted my life in so many ways two summers ago. And still to this day I think and pray for him. I ache to hold him in my arms and sing him to sleep. I know he is being held by so many others. I know that he is loved and is safe and doesn't need me nor does he most likely even remember me. I just pray that one day I will get to see him again.
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