Sunday, January 30, 2011


I am just so encouraged by my bible study and wanted to write a blog about it. God is so funny. The exact place that I am in matches with the exact lesson in my bible study homework. I am in a place of learning how to be humbled. I'm not going to go into too many details, most of you who read this know what I am talking about. But, with that, I am learning that I am truly NOTHING without Jesus sustaining me. I can not do anything out of my own strength. I have nothing to offer anyone without HIM offering through me.

Here are some highlights that I wanted to share: What did David do when He was overwhelmed or in a difficult season? He PRAYED. He CRIED ALOUD TO GOD. "Cry aloud to the Lord, when you feel overwhelmed . He can take it" (Psalm 142:6). He POURED OUT his complaint to God. He told God his troubles. David viewed his heart as a pitcher, and he poured everything in it out on his God, whether it was joy or sadness, bitterness or fear. David REHEARSED HIS TRUST in God. "When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who knows my way." David LONGED for God's presence. "Our feelings are worth sharing with God whether or not they accurately describe the truth." David CONFESSED HIS DESPERATE NEED FOR GOD. I don't know about you, but I desire to possess these qualities more in my life.

"Feelings can be a little like our laundry. Sometimes we can't sort them until we dump them on the table. "

"God had to bring David down to a lowly position before He could raise him up to stand on solid ground."

Song of the day: Joy Williams "Silence"

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Addison and I spent our morning jamming to the John Mayer in LA concert. She is only a month and a half and already has great taste in music. She is one of my new favorite things. I love holding her and singing her to sleep. When she wakes up and has a full tummy she smiles so big and makes little baby sounds that are SO precious. Free Fallin' sung by John is one of my all time favorites. I could listen to him sing this over and over especially when it lulls the baby to sleep.

It is time for my nap here. I love to sleep!!!!
This is Addison! Isn't she adorable??

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Friendship: David & Jonathan

Have you ever felt numb? Have you ever ached for the Lord's touch, but you just can't feel Him? That is where I am right now. I have never been here before. I have always been able to feel Him and hear Him. In this season, I am asking to hear, I am asking to feel His touch, but cannot. I am in this bible study where we are seeking the Lord's face through one of Beth Moore's study books called "David, Seeking a Heart Like His." As I finished up this past weeks homework, something in me was moved. "As children of God, we do not have to be DERAILED by the way we feel. Our God is GREATER. Give Him your heart." Those words hit me. I am still on the tracks, the enemy wants me to believe that I am derailed, but NO I am right on track.. chugging along. Even though I might not seem like I am moving very fast I am at least moving right?!

Something else that hit me in this past weeks homework was this, "Jonathan and David were examples of two people knit together by something more powerful than circumstances or preferences. The spirit of God sometimes cements two people together as part of His plan. God would never have chosen David to be His future king if He had not planned to sustain him and ultimately deliver him safely to his throne. Jonathan was an important part of God's plan. They were uncommon friends joined by a common bond: The Spirit of God. [1 Samuel 20:1-42]

When I read this I was filled with a lot of emotions. I was thankful for my bestest friends, I was expectant of God to continue to use these sweet friends in my life. I was hopeful for the ways that He promises to sustain me in and out of the seasons of life I will go through. I was saddened for the loss of deep friendship(s) over the years, I was overwhelmed with brokenness that which breaks the Father's heart. But most of all, I was filled with JOY that He provides and will always provide deep real friends to walk on this earth hand in hand with. Thank you Jesus for: My family, Malissa, Kiely, Kelly, Abby, Kathryn Ann, Devon, Lane, Stacey, Anna, Sarah, Mandi, Katie, Joy, Amy, Kate, Christie, Faith, Kristin, Laura, Hannah, Lindsay, and ALL of my high school friends :)

"Allowing others to speak their fears even when we can't understand is a characteristic of uncommon friendship. Willingness to listen and then let the potential insults pass is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of strength. The bonds of uncommon friends are deeper than the width of their differences. Uncommon friends can share their hearts without shame. Uncommon friends can be vulnerable with one another and still retain their dignity. The friendship between Jonathan and David was far more than emotion, and it was a safe place to trust and show feelings. They shared a common goal: the will of God. Each life complemented the other. They had separate lives but inseparable bonds."

Monday, January 24, 2011

DNOW 2011

Toilet paper game to break the ice!!!! For every square of toilet paper they had to tell one thing about themselves. Some girls took maybe 30 squares bc they thought it was all they were going to get for the whole weekend. It was pretty funny!!!! Great icebreaker game for real!!
Wasssup we be all gangsta in our ballin DNOW hoodies!!!!!!
This is Abby, aka funniest girl eva, she is a preppy cheerleader thats gone nerd!!!!!!!
Sweet time with friends in between pouring into the youngins!!!!!
Maggie, Virginia, Emmy, and Abby........ I was going on zero sleep here so don't mind me!!!!

So this past weekend I volunteered at First Baptist Concord for DNOW. I had helped out with it a few years ago and remembered coming away being on top of the mountain so I wanted to do it again. Well, this time.... I was placed with SEVENTH GRADE GIRLS. Need I say more! Haha! It was truly awesome though. Their childlike faith and innocence was contagious. They are all boy crazy and talk about who is crushing on who and which boy is so cute and who they will probably marry one day. THEY ARE TWELVE! Their hearts for the Lord are so precious. They long for more of Jesus in their lives and even more they long for the lost to know their Jesus like they do.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Inaugural

Malissa and I in front of the Capitol!!!

This is the Capitol! Right in front of it is where we congratulated Bill Haslam our new Governor! It was incredible being there. At first I felt like I was in an episode of 24 or something with all the snipers on the buildings. It was even more incredible to share in this very special moment with M. I loved every minute of it. My hands were frozen, but still it was such an amazing event to be a part of.

This was at the Birth of the Impressionism Exhibit! Malissa was excited for me to have this learning experience. I made it through three rooms of naked paintings and said peace out. Thank goodness my best friend, Kiely, came to the rescue!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day!!!

Yesterday, we woke up to white everywhere! It was absolutely beautiful. The roommates and I ventured out to find us some good sledding hills. We thought the street we lived on would be a perfect start but we thought we might get hit by a car so we played it safe and stuck with the front yard. We grabbed the Pam (to spray on the bottom of the sled) and slipped and slid all day long! SO much fun!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Professional Babysitter..

People, I need ya'll to pray hard that God provides some serious babysitting in the next 6 months. I know that He is faithful and will totally provide. Just everyone PRAY :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thoughts On My Heart...

I have been thinking a lot about the power of words. What comes out of my mouth is either life giving or death giving. I also have been pondering the thought of claiming what is spoken over me. I only want to claim words and speak words that bring life and glory to our Father. I feel like often in life we joke and make fun thinking it is just for laughs, but in actuality it is speaking death into others without even realizing. I also think that what we joke about satan hears and knows that these jokes are really insecurities in our heart that he can tempt us with. I want to sow good fruit into my heart and into those around me that I love and care about. The lord gave us two ears and ONE mouth for lots of reasons. One being I believe that our mouth is a powerful tool that if misused can destroy. I just pray that my words will reflect honor and glory to everyone around me especially my Jesus.

I have also been thinking a lot about distractions. What is a distraction? Are distractions good or bad or both? Do I use distractions in my life to keep me from dealing with broken places in my heart? Are distractions often gifts from Jesus to keep us from overloading our hearts and minds? Can a good distraction turn into a bad one?

These are just some heavy thoughts my heart has been battling. If you have any thoughts or encouraging words I would love to hear them.

Sow into Iris Ministries