Toilet paper game to break the ice!!!! For every square of toilet paper they had to tell one thing about themselves. Some girls took maybe 30 squares bc they thought it was all they were going to get for the whole weekend. It was pretty funny!!!! Great icebreaker game for real!!
Wasssup we be all gangsta in our ballin DNOW hoodies!!!!!!
This is Abby, aka funniest girl eva, she is a preppy cheerleader thats gone nerd!!!!!!!

Sweet time with friends in between pouring into the youngins!!!!!
Maggie, Virginia, Emmy, and Abby........ I was going on zero sleep here so don't mind me!!!!
So this past weekend I volunteered at First Baptist Concord for DNOW. I had helped out with it a few years ago and remembered coming away being on top of the mountain so I wanted to do it again. Well, this time.... I was placed with SEVENTH GRADE GIRLS. Need I say more! Haha! It was truly awesome though. Their childlike faith and innocence was contagious. They are all boy crazy and talk about who is crushing on who and which boy is so cute and who they will probably marry one day. THEY ARE TWELVE! Their hearts for the Lord are so precious. They long for more of Jesus in their lives and even more they long for the lost to know their Jesus like they do.
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