I am just so encouraged by my bible study and wanted to write a blog about it. God is so funny. The exact place that I am in matches with the exact lesson in my bible study homework. I am in a place of learning how to be humbled. I'm not going to go into too many details, most of you who read this know what I am talking about. But, with that, I am learning that I am truly NOTHING without Jesus sustaining me. I can not do anything out of my own strength. I have nothing to offer anyone without HIM offering through me.
Here are some highlights that I wanted to share: What did David do when He was overwhelmed or in a difficult season? He PRAYED. He CRIED ALOUD TO GOD. "Cry aloud to the Lord, when you feel overwhelmed . He can take it" (Psalm 142:6). He POURED OUT his complaint to God. He told God his troubles. David viewed his heart as a pitcher, and he poured everything in it out on his God, whether it was joy or sadness, bitterness or fear. David REHEARSED HIS TRUST in God. "When my spirit grows faint within me, it is you who knows my way." David LONGED for God's presence. "Our feelings are worth sharing with God whether or not they accurately describe the truth." David CONFESSED HIS DESPERATE NEED FOR GOD. I don't know about you, but I desire to possess these qualities more in my life.
"Feelings can be a little like our laundry. Sometimes we can't sort them until we dump them on the table. "
"God had to bring David down to a lowly position before He could raise him up to stand on solid ground."
Song of the day: Joy Williams "Silence"
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