Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Do you ever hope that the rain will stop falling just to give you enough time to run to your car? Do you ever hope that cute boy you see everyday running at the same time as you will just "bump" into you? Do you ever hope we will sing your favorite songs on Sunday morning? Do you ever hope your heart will stay in that joyous place of everything seeming to be going just right?

What do we do when the rug has been pulled out from under us and our HOPE seems to be long gone? What do we do when life tries to distract us with its many demands and our HOPE fades away?

As I sit here, I am listening to a CD titled HOPE, I am looking at a canvas with the word HOPE painted in the middle of it. My favorite song right now "Magnolia" by Ellie Holcomb sings, "You've been HOPING you can make it right, but the more you try, the more you're failing."

Is my HOPE in JESUS alone? Do I have HOPE in His name. When everything is stripped away from me, or nothing seems to be going right, or I am lost and confused, can I still have HOPE that HE is good.

These are just some thoughts that have been on my heart the past couple of days... I long for my HOPE to be in HIM. I want to want Him more than this world.

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